Saturday, May 26, 2007

A tiny little house, two weddings and some crafts!

Things have been busy, busy, busy around here lately. What have I been doing? What haven't I been doing is the better question. First-and most importantly-me and my husband just bought our very own little house...YIPPEEE! So I 've been packing and trying to get rid of some of our junk...BOOOO! Secondly, my cousin is getting married this weekend and my parents asked me to make a piece for them to give to, those are the little sweeties that you see here in the pic(sorry, it's a bit fuzzy) And, thirdly, my very dear friend is getting married in June(two days before we move into the new house!) and her and her husband asked me to make their wedding cake topper. At first I was loosing a bit of sleep over it, but I think it's going to be really sweet!..fingers crossed. I'll post some pics of it as soon as I give it to them...don't want to ruin the surprise!